Tuesday, December 10, 2013




I never have wrote a letter to my future self before and it felt pretty cool because when i open it on december 10, 2026 I will get an email expressing  who i am now and giving advise to myself when i wont remember my old self so its a cool experience.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Final Pressintation Progress

I'm super stoked for the out come in my pressintation it's almost done! and its the best work i have ever done in my opinion. can't wait til its done.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Final Vocab

  1. Adumbrate: to foreshadow vaguely, to suggest, disclose, or outline partially. 
  2. Apotheosis: elevation to divine status or a perfect example.
  3. Ascetic: characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgences, typically for religious reasons.
  4. Bauble: a small, showy trinket or decoration (lacks importance and worth).
  5. Beguile: to enchant or charm sometime, but usually is a deceptive way.
  6. Burgeon: begin to grow or increase rapidly; to flourish.
  7. Complement: a thing that completes or brings to perfection.
  8. Contumacious: stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority.
  9. Curmudgeon: a bad-tempered or surly person.
  10. Didactic: intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive.

Monday, December 2, 2013


A character that that made an impression on me was Alice from Ask Alice Anonomys. What made the character so memorable was what she went through to find herself, it truely opened my eyes to what drugs can really do to you and how you can over come it, it was very inspiring. The story of Alice was so detailed, had flashbacks and some imagery that made the book it was definately an experience just reading it, for me.


Hamlet. Hamlet as a character is a troubled teen that just wants to be happy but has the extreme burdon of his father's killer and how he is going to revenge him because he is so engulfed with greif it's eating him to depression and madness. Hamlet the play, itself is hard to read, though after all it was a different time back in Shakespear's time. Though it's interesting the lesson Shakespear is trying to teach the audience, it's very peculiar but effective.
Hamlet goes back and forth with whether or not he wants to end his own life or not, but he gets so obsessed with killing his uncle that he ends up killing himself. getting fixated with revenge just made Hamlet more depressed and mad, instead of letting it go and finding his own self peace and remember his faather as a great man and king.  Hamlet’s grief effects everyone around him whether he knows it or not and it twists the plot with devastation, like for example, Ophelia, she went mad and killed herself because Hamlet ‘accidentally’ killed her father.
Relating back to the soliloquy, I think that everyone can relate to it, whether you admit or not, but there has or will be that one moment in your life where you feel alone and that it’s just going to get worse. And that’s what Hamlet is feeling, that it can’t possibly get any better, but it does. Maybe not in Hamlet’s situation because he chose the wrong way to handle the situation, but relating to Hamlet in some ways can be easy in others its hard but I can relate in some ways like grief.


1. I read "Bless Me Ultima", Tony is confronted with a new kind of culture. Tony is having a hard time finding respect for his own culture. Tony is not sure about all the things he has been taught and keeps asking if there is more than one source of knowledge.
2. A major theme in Bless Me Ultima is the transition from innocence to experience.Tony wants to understand why bad things happen.
3. The author uses a sad tone. the authors tone to be sad because the author expresses the effect the bullying and meaness had on Antonio and the way it effected his cultural views.
4. One literary element the author uses are dreams. Antonio has many dreams to show the translations of his thoughts. Another literary element used is the use of symbolism. Antonio has those dreams to reflect his growth from innocence to maturity.
1. One example of direct characterization is when the author talks about how Antonio doesn't have respect for his culture. Another example would be his childhood state of mind and how he always asks childish questions. An example of indirect characterization would be when Antonio sees Lupito get shot, Antonio suddenly begins to ask all the right questions. Lastly, Antonio's interest in spending time with Ultima deepens when he realizes she can help him find the answers to his questions.
2. The authors diction changes when it's about Ultima. The diction changes because Ultima has a way of  making an impact on the lives around her and the author is able to tell that.
3. Antonio is a dynamic character. Antonio transforms from a young boy into a young man in months of ultimas stay, all due to his determination to find answers to all of his unanswered questions.

Can YOU Answer these Questions?

A: .....


1. I chose Brave New World by Aldous Huxley for my literature analysis. The story is a about a new society in the future. In this society families, religion, art, and science no longer exist and no woman no longer bare children, instead children are created/ manufactured.The kids get divided and then go to school on what their future job wants them to do when they reach the age. In the book a man named Bernard Marx and Lenina take a trip to the "Savage Reservation", a place where they don't go by the ways that world has set. There they find a woman named Linda and her son John. John and Linda travel back to London with Bernard. Linda dies and John falls into a deep depression and eventually kills himself.
2. The theme of this novel is that you don't have to be perfect to be happy. The whole story was about the perfect life with no sadness, mistakes, or drama, everything was scientifically mapped out for each and every person and their choices, their careers, their emotions. But no body should live that way, and Bernard could not. If everything is perfect then everything is actually not. The struggles in life are what make the memories and who you are.
3. Huxley's tone in Brave New World is very dramatic sometimes. For example when he describes the dark misfortunes of the characters, when he does a great job of acting those lines with lighthearted puns and parodies.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


a) What new information did you learn from the video?
I learned that the web and search results all are pointed towards one side of the scale making our information unbalanced and unreliable in a way.
b) How does this information make you think differently about what you see online?
It's interesting that just because you agree with one thing Google and Facebook would remove information or posts that you don't agree with.
c) What questions does this video raise about the Internet in general?
How do we set the balance?
d) How can you improve the effectiveness of your searches?
By searching or talking about thing i disagree with or dislike.

Allegory Sonnet

Feeling so alone
Seeing all these shadows
 Makes me moan
When I sit in the hollows
Of this deep dark caved
When will I think
When will I be saved
Or will I sink
NO, I Refuse to live
being told by a myth
I will not give
I will see the Blyth
I am free
It's great can't you see




1. I chose the novel Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. The story is about an African American man and his adversities that helped him get to the person he is now. The story is in the 1920's in the south. Had a talent with writing and public speaking, the main character gives a speech when he was a teen and got a scholarship for college. When he was at college he was in charge of driving Mr. Norton,  who is a wealthy white trustee at the college. One day Mr. Norton  overheard someone talking about Jim Trueblood, an uneducated African American man who got one of his daughters pregnant . After he heard that Mr. Norton goes to the bar to get a drink. when the true rumor spreads through the college, the college's president who expels the narrator. The narrator moves to Harlem, gets a job. Things are looking up for the narrator, until he got hurt on the job and looses consciousness. He recovers then joins a group called the Brotherhood, headed by Brother Jack. Again things go bad and the brotherhood begins to question the narrators motives in being part of the organization. In fear the narrator hides from the brotherhood. Finally the narrator returns home to a riot and falls into a hole in the street. Police tries to kill him by surrounding the hole he fell into. The narrator tries to tell them that he lived in that hole for the day. This accident gets the narrator to look back on things and gives him the motivation to what he wants and tell his story of life. Telling his story the he finally gets the strength within himself to come out of the hole because he stayed true to himself.


situation: there is a fire in a house next door to  Mr. Garcin; a huge fire that caught Mr. Garcin's house on fire and his wife is in his house that is on fire now and she needs to be saved the neighbor needs to be saved to what will he do?
goes into his house and save his journalism stuff so he can write about the fire, then saves the next door neighbor, then goes for his wife who was already saved by someone who is noble and kind.

Lit Circles

while reading "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens I came across some vocabulary that i didn't know.
  • Epoch- a particular period of time marked by distinctive features, events, ect.
  • Incredulity- the quality or state of being incredulous, inability or unwillingness to believe
  • superlative- of the highest kind, quality, or order; surpassing all else or others; supreme; extreme
  • prophetic- of or pertaining to a prophet
  • heralded- a royal or official messenger, especially one representing a monarch in a ambassadorial compacity during war time 
  • pincers- a gripping tool consisting of to pivoted limbs forming a pair of jaws and a pair of handles 
  • procession- the act of moving along or proceeding in orderly succession or in a formal and ceremonious manner, as a line of people, animals, vehicles, ect.
  • bespattered- to soil by spattering; splash with water, dirt, ect.
  •  mire- a tract or area of wet, swampy ground; bog; marsh
  • tumbrils- one of the carts used during the french revolution to convey victims to the guillotine 
  • atheistical- pertaining to or characteristic of atheists or atheism; containing, suggesting, or disseminating atheism
  • upholsterers- a person whose business it is to upholster furniture
  • waylaid- to intercept attack from ambush, as in order to rob, seize, or slay
  • potentate- a person who possesses great power as a sovereign, monarch, ruler
  • retinue- a body of retainers in attendance upon an important personage; suite
  • blunderbusses- a short musket of wide bore with expanded muzzle to scatter shot, bullets, or slugs at close range
  • contraband- anything prohibited by law from being imported or exported
  • pilferer- to steal, especially in small quantities
  • environed- to form a circle or ring round; surround; envelop
  • unheeded- to give careful attention to
  • myriads- a very great or indefinitely great number of persons or things
  • capitulated- to surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms
  • forlornness- desolate or dreary; unhappy or miserable as in feeling, condition, or appearance 
  • plodding- to walk heavily or more laboriously; trudge
  • nondescript- of no recognize, definite, or particular type of kind
  • substratum- something that is spread or laid under something else; a stratum or layer under another
  • cutlass- a short, heavy, slightly curved sword with a single cutting edge, formerly used by sailers
  • emphatic- uttered, or to be uttered; with emphasis; strongly expressed
  • hardihood- boldness or daring; courage
  • adjuration- an earnest request; entreaty
  • eddying- a current at variance with the main current in a stream of liquid or gas, especially one having a rotary or whirling motion
  • unfathomable- not able to be fathomed, or completely understood; incomprehensible
  • inexorable- unyielding; unalterable
  • consolidation- an act or instance of consolidating; the state of being consolidating; unification
  • perpetuation- to preserre from extinction or oblivion
  • incapable of being investigated, analyzed, or scrutinized, impenetrable
  • perplexed- bewildered; puzzled
  • emaciated- marked by emaciation
  • unyoked- to free from
  • valise- a small piece of luggage that can be carried by hand, used to hold clothing, ect. suitcase
  • sonorous- giving out or capable of giving out a sound, especially a deep, resonant sound, as a thing or place