Thursday, March 27, 2014

Seeking Mentor

I kind of have mentors at star physical therapy, pat and Chris. They are such awesome people and I know they would totally help me and answer my questions when I have them. I'm lucky to have them.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Resource of the Day

Today me and Haley talked about our masterpieces and we're going to interview my physical therapist and her physical therapist during spring break and her dad has been recording her while she doing gymnastics and I have a couple of pictures of when I swam in a meet so we're going to sort it all out and make a video

5 Resources of Macbeth

The whole play

version of Macbeth by scenes

3.) full

An open source learning of Shakespeare and all of his work including Macbeth

Monday, March 24, 2014


1. What is a major tendon in your leg?
A. Biceps Brachii                   C. Hamstring
B.Triceps Brachii                    D. Supraspinatus

2. What is a physical therapist purpose?

3. What is one of the hardest bones to break in your body?
A. Fibula                                   C. Tibia
B. Femur                                    D. Patella

3. Name as many bones as you can.

4. How many bones are in your foot?
A. 12                                            C. 20
B. 26                                             D. 60

5. How many bones are in the human body?
A. 200                                          C. 197
B. 226                                           D. 206

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Resource of the Day

So i will be collaborating with Haley Zahn because she wants to do hers on gymnastics so we are going to make a video on the common injuries in gymnasts and how to prevent injuries.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lit Terms #6

Simile: comparing two things using the word "like" or "as"

Soliloquy: a long speech given by a character in a play to the audience that reveals their thoughts

Spiritual: a folk song, usually on a religious theme

Speaker: the person who is speaker; narrator

Stereotype: a fixed idea of a character/idea which does not allow for any individual prejudices

Stream of consciousness: a style of writing that portrays the inner workings of a character's mind

Structure: framework of a work of literature

Style: the distinctive way in which a writer uses language; use of diction, tone, syntax

Subordination: words, phrases, and clauses that make one element of a sentence dependent on another

Surrealism: movement that replaces conventional realism with the full expression of the unconscious mind

Suspension of disbelief: suspended not believing in order to enjoy it

Symbol: a person, place, thing or event that had meaning in itself and also stands for something more than itself
- BNW: soma= need to control the citizens; Shakespeare= love, beauty (things new world stays away from)

Synesthesia: to present ideas, characters, or places in such a manner that they appeal to more than one senses like hearing, seeing, smell, at the same time

Synecdoche: a figure of speech in which a part represents the whole

Syntax: the way an author chooses to join word into phrases, clauses, and sentences

Theme: the insight about human life that is revealed in a literary work
-BNW: dangers of an all-powerful state

Thesis: the sentence or group of sentences that directly express the author's opinion, purpose, or meaning

Tone: the attitude a writer takes toward the subject of a work, the characters in it, or the audience

Tongue in cheek: cleverly amusing in tone

Tragedy: any literary composition dealing with a somber theme

Understatement: the ironic minimizing of fact; presents something as less significant than it is

Vernacular: everyday language; slang

Voice: the author's style that makes his or her writing unique and conveys the author's attitude, personality, and character

Zeitgeist: the general cultural, intellectual, or spiritual climate within a nation or even specific groups

Monday, March 3, 2014

Resource of the Day

my masterpiece is on physical therapy and how the body moves, I'm going to try to go in Star Physical Therapy and interview/ volunteer and record my experiences. I have already volunteered there many times its just going back and documenting it. i think my masterpiece will turn out ok