Wednesday, August 14, 2013


1. From what poem/author does this commercial borrow (without credit)? 
 Levi got he poem, "Laughing Heart", from author, Charles Bukowski
2. Why might the use of this poem by a corporation be considered ironic? 
 I think it's ironic because in the commercial it makes Levi jeans sound so important even though they're not. It makes Levi sound so complicated and inspiring  even though they're not, there just simple
3. Does the poem reflect the reputation of the author? Why/why not? 
 I think it definitely reflects the author because it just shows "It might not be much light but it beats darkness" his life may not have been very happy but he knew there was light. It didn't have to be a lot as long as you know there is light.
4. How did you find the answers to #1 & #3? Describe your research process and your sources in detail. 
To be honest i did this last year and i still have my blog so yay for my am lit blog!!!!
5. Memorize the poem and be prepared to recite it on demand.  on demand. 

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