Tuesday, August 20, 2013


1. Are there any factors that you think are going to affect your participation or experience in this class? Access to a computer?  Mobile/smart phone?  Transportation?  Friends/family? Schedule?
I don't think there is going to be any factors that will affect my participation and experience in the class except my laziness and procrastination every once in a while. I do have a laptop and a cell phone. I do have my license and a truck. I do have family and friends and i do have family that are my friends, and friends that are like family. My schedule is 0 period; Provost, 1st period;Wagner,2nd period; English, 3rd period; Preston, 4th period; Van Patten. And hopefully soon a part-time job after school.
2. Think of an awesome best ever learning experience that changed you. What did you learn? Where were you? What happened? Who else was there? Did it teach you anything about how you learn (or pay attention... or remember, or think?) How did you know what was happening?
Best learning experience That has changed me was last year, 1st period, American Literature class, and Dr. Preston taught it. I learned a lot about myself, learned how to write essays better, learned some philosophy, some Young Goodman Brown, Open source learning, social media skills, and many different poems. the class taught me how to think outside the box and try something different, it has also taught me how to be an individual, and how to think for myself.
3. What are you most [excited/concerned] about in this class? What do you look forward to in learning?  How do you think it can/will make a practical difference in your life?
I'm excited about doing my own thing on assignments, make me, I'm mainly concerned about not keeping up with the class but i know its good for me and i will try my very best to keep up though I am only human, I'm not perfect. I'm looking forward to learning about the college of my choice and what it's going to take to make my future happen. It will Prepare me for my life after college.

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