Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Brave New Essay

In Brave New World there is no emotion except happiness and Soma. Soma is a substance that the characters in the novel drink when they start to feel an emotion other than "happy", that drugs them up to feel nothing. The novel has no emotion or feeling to it because everyone is "happy" all the time to the point where there is no war, no complications, and no problems. it a great big boring happy drugged up world. There is not many that think different, but the ones that do try to fight against it.

The New world is always happy and soon their going to get tired and think for themselves, once one thinks they all think and then soon it will be a revolution or the happiness can continue and the controllers get more strict and then the people will wonder why its getting so strict and start thinking and break the system.

If the world is always happy all i can think is blah always moving in the same place never changing becoming numb by drinking soma all the time and becoming addicted to it so now the world is full of a bunch of soma junkies that think nothing is wrong. Soma is like meth to them, the ones that are always happy but feel alone do it or the ones that have nothing else to use do it. so once they feel lonely they drink soma until they feel happy and it works. Imagine the world with a bunch of junkies, the world wouldn't function correctly or at all. It will be ran by a bunch of junkies that are so numb they dont know what there feeling.

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